Stones hold wisdom of the earth. This alchemy is energetic! One stone feels different from another. You may find yourself drawn to a particular stone, and in this way, stones can offer ‘medicine’ to the wearer.

Regarding the use of this stone guide; first, I share my impression of the stone and then a description of its qualities. Impressions reveal the inspiration a stone is offering. It’s a wordless experience of the senses. This is personal experience for all stone lovers. The information about the stone qualities in this guide is quoted from the brilliant Judy Hall’s reference manuals, The Encyclopedia of Crystals and 101 Power Crystals


    I work with choice suppliers in search of the highest quality gemstones and pearls. Selecting each one for its beauty, subtle variances in color and proportion, no two pieces are exactly alike, and this is part of the charm. I believe these subtitles give each piece an individual beauty, just like the wearer. My passion for rare and unique gems lends itself to limited run collections and one-of-a-kind designs.

  • GOLD

    My 14K gold-filled styles are a high-quality alternative to solid gold with all of the sparkle. 14K gold-filled chain and findings are made by using heat and pressure to apply a sheet of 14K gold to a brass core. This process increases the overall value as gold-filled styles are tarnish resistant, scratch proof and waterproof. Use a soft jewelry polishing cloth and occasional soapy warm water to gently clean and shine.


    Timeless and durable, 925 sterling silver shimmers like the moon. The liquid look of silver is alluring and classic. Shiny silver can be layered with other metals for a current mood. Sterling silver can tarnish, so storing it in a ziplock bag with the tarnishing strip included will slow this process down. Also, use a jewelry polishing cloth or a silver cleaning solution to restore its original shine.


The supple sheen and luster of pearls evokes memories of soft ocean breezes. From Baroque to Keishi, freshwater pearls hold warmth against the skin and radiate feminine grace.

Qualities: Gifts from the sea, pearls contain the calming element of water and the connection to the moon through the lunar influenced tides. Pearls offer the ocean wisdom of patience and strength in going with the flow and trusting the process.

Chakra: Crown

Zodiac Sign: Cancer


Soft green aventurine has such a calming quality it’s no wonder that it’s been used in Feng Shui to promote tranquility and bring abundance. I love the milky green and gentle feeling of aventurine.

Qualities: Judy Hall considered Aventurine to be, ‘A very positive stone’, and also a, ‘comforter, all-around healer, and a general harmonizer, bringing in well-being and emotional calm.’ Apparently, Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic pollution. Stabilizing aventurine balances heart energy and one’s state of mind and assists in, ‘recognizing alternatives and possibilities, as well as aids in, ‘emotional recovery and enables living within one’s own heart.’

Chakra: Heart, Spleen

Zodiac Sign: Aries


The glacial blue and Caribbean hues of amazonite never ceases to delight. Amazonite feels clean, stabilizing and protective.

Qualities: Amazonite appears to be a helpful protector from harmful EMF’s. Judy Hall explains that Amazonite supports clarity in seeing both sides of an argument and in ‘releasing grief from the emotional body and facilitates constructive expression of what has formerly been left unsaid. Aligning the physical body with the etheric, Amazonite assists in maintaining optimal health.’ The brilliant turquoise amazonite ‘provides spiritual protection at a high level. Enfolding you safely as you traverse the higher realms of consciousness,’ states Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals.

Chakra: Spleen, Solar plexus, Connects higher heart to throat

Zodiac Sign: Virgo


Overlooked in the gemstone world until recently, Andesine leaves quite an impression with its dazzling orange-red hues. Both earthy and elegant, Andesine adds a unique twist in the red gemstone family.

Qualities: Andesine is called the ‘Stone of Magic’. Thought to support clarity and focus, Andesite supports clearing negativity and stuck energy and inspires creativity. Confidence and improved self-esteem are associated with this spicy red stone.

Chakra: Root

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


Purple- A soul color, somewhere between night and day, the magical fragrance of secret blooms, the silent depths reached by a single, refracting ray.

Qualities: High vibration Amethyst symbolizes ‘wisdom, deep love, devotion and peace of mind’. In Greek Mythology Amethyst gained its rich color from wine poured over it. ‘Promoting the love of the divine, Amethyst encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Opening multidemensional awareness, it enhances metaphysical abilities and is an excellent stone for meditation,’ states Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals. Harmonizing and protective, Amethyst purifies the aura.

Chakra: Third Eye, Soma, Crown, Higher Crown

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius, Pisces


Deep blue apatite is reminiscent of mineral rich waters penetrated by sunlight. The lighter aqua-hued apatite is so clear, crystalline and bright, it is irresistible. Both shades feel grounding, happy and magical to me!

Qualities: A bridge between consciousness and matter, Judy Hall, in her book The Encyclopedia of Crystals, explains that, ‘Apatite is a stone of manifestation attuned to the future, yet connects to past lives. Developing metaphysical abilities and spiritual attunement, it deepens meditation and raises kundalini. Releasing energy in the base chakra, Apatite clears frustration and supports passion without guilt. It balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.’ Rich blue Apatite integrates mental and intuitive abilities.

Chakra: Third Eye, Base

Zodiac Sign: Gemini


The crystalline brilliance of Aquamarine inspires delight. The icy blue, pink and even yellow-tinged hues feel sublime, soothing and cooling.

Qualities: Aquamarine, meaning ‘sea water’, was described in ancient times as, ‘a thousand leagues of sunlit sea imprisoned in a cup’. This high vibration stone is, ‘A wonderful stone for meditation, Aquamarine shields the aura, invokes high states of consciousness, clarifies perception and encourages service to humanity.’ Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals.

Chakra: Aligns all, Throat, Third Eye

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Gemini, Pisces


Milky blue chalcedony feels calming and peaceful. This smokey blue stone’s gentle energy soothes soul.

Qualities: ‘This stone brings mind, body, emotions, and spirit into harmony. A powerful cleanser, it absorbs negative energy and dissipates it to prevent onward transmission. Chalcedony promotes brotherhood and enhances group stability and can be used to assist telepathy,’ writes Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals.

Chakra: Third Eye, Throat

Zodiac Sign: Cancer


Energizing and joyful, citrine feels imbued with sunshine.

Qualities: Sun kissed citrine relates to the solar plexus, the generator of personal power and inner strength. Like crystalized sunlight, citrine brings qualities of optimism. Judy Hall says that Citrine is, ‘a powerful cleanser and regenerator that carries the power of the sun, this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. Energizing and highly creative, it absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy. It is particularly beneficial for attracting abundance. Citrine promotes inner calm, allowing your natural wisdom to emerge, and helps you move into the flow of feelings and become emotionally balanced.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Cleanse and reenergizes all

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra


Earthy and rich, chrysocolla feels grounding, harmonizing and tranquil. The teal and brown hues of chrysocolla inspire a feeling of channeling ancient creativity.

Qualities: As stated by Judy Hall, ‘Chrysocolla is an excellent auric cleanser and powerful energy conduit, this is a useful stone for meditation and communication. Accepting with serenity situations that are constantly changing, it helps you to remain impartial and speak your truth. Beneficial to relationships, it draws off negative energies, stabilizing the home. Drawing out negative emotions, it reverses destructive programing, heals heartache, and increasing the capacity to love. Assisting communication yet aiding in keeping silent when appropriate, it attunes you to the song lines of the earth.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Cleanse and activates all, aligning with divine

Zodiac Sign: Venus


This noble stone inspires delight in the interconnectedness of all things and in the healing found in nature. Chrysoprase is thought to attract abundance.

Qualities: ‘Said by the ancients to promote love of truth, Chrysoprase promotes optimism and personal insight. Inducing deep meditative states, it imparts a sense of being part of the divine whole. Chrysoprase heals your inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood, and, overcoming compulsive thoughts, turns your attention to positive events,. This stone stimulates acceptance of oneself and others,’ states Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals.

Chakra: Heart, Sacral

Zodiac Sign: Taurus


Diopside reminds me of light coming through a canopied forest and the fresh and alive smell of of moss and fallen pine needles. This stone’s unique color is spellbinding and feels ancient.

Qualities: ‘Diopside increases compassion and humility, opening your heart and mind to the suffering of others, and encouraging you to be of service to the planet. This stone teaches humility and assists in contacting and honoring what you really feel, supporting your own intuition. If you feel overburdened, it teaches you how to live life lightly.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac Sign: Virgo


Ethiopian opal with its iridescent sheen and vibrant blue really feel extraordinary. A little hit of color in the most striking, shimmery electric blue is just enough to highlight sensuous beauty.

Qualities: ‘Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces metaphysical and mystical visions. Absorbent and reflective, it picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them, and returns them. A karmic stone, it teaches that what you put out comes back. This stone brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. A seductive stone, Opal has always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. Opal heals the earth’s energy field.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Throat

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces


When we think of Emerald it is usually of green emeralds once worn by nobility. Emerald hues are bountiful. The combination of these regal tones feels romantic.

Qualities: ‘‘Known as the ‘Stone of Successful Love', Emerald brings domestic bliss and loyalty; enhances unity, unconditional love and partnership; and promotes friendship. Emerald enhances mental equilibrium and metaphysical abilities.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini


Whether bright greens or hazy purples and golds, fluorite feels energetically clean and fresh.

Qualities: ‘Fluorite purifies and reorganizes anything with the physical or subtle bodies that is not in perfect order, and cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Grounding and integrating spiritual energies, it promotes unbiased impartiality and heightens intuitive powers, making you aware of higher spiritual realities. It dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. This stone is extremely effective against electromagnetic stress.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart, Cleanses all

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, Pisces


The electric, translucent oranges, milky whites and cream cycle colors of fire opal have such an appeal. This lively stone catches the eye with its fiery shades and inspires commitment to ones passions.

Qualities: ‘Fire opal is an enhancer of personal power and a revitalizer. It awakens your inner fire, and acts as a protector. This symbol of hope is excellent for business, drawing in money, facilitating change, and ushering in progress. It assists in letting go of the past although it can be explosive in its action. Magnifying thoughts and feelings, this stone releases deep-seated feelings of grief, even when these stem from other lives. It releases anything that blocks creativity. Fire opal encourages healthy sexuality.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Sacral

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius


The rich red wine color of garnet lends itself to a romantic feeling of really enjoying pleasure in life. Classic garnet is a timeless jewelry staple. I love at least one simple petite garnet strand!

Qualities: A love attractor, garnet has been traditionally given as a good luck gift and was used in engagement rings. ‘Garnet is a powerfully energizing stone that protects you. Garnet inspires love and devotion and removes inhibitions and taboos. Opening the heart, it bestows self-confidence. This stone balances sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony,’ explains Judy Hall in her book The Encyclopedia of Crystals. This fortifying stone inspires courage and hope and supports expanded self awareness.

Chakra: Base, Heart, Purifies and energizes all

Zodiac Sign: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius


The honey and olive green shades of Hessonite make this soul-nourishing stone perfect for autumn and winter when warm tones support the cooler season.

Qualities: Along with being a love attractor, Hessonite has the qualities of Garnet. (See Garnet description above.) Amber-toned Hessonite inspires a greater sense of self worth. ‘Acting as a guide during astral journeying, relaxing Hessonite also assists the mind and body in eliminating toxins.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Base, Sacral and heart, Purifies and energizes all

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


White on white- white howlite inspires a bright outlook and a fresh start. Each day is day one!

Qualities: Howlite encourages us trust our inner knowing and to be our true selves, rather than an image we present to the world. ‘This stone opens attainment and prepares the mind to receive wisdom. Howlite formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material, and assists in achieving them, and facilitates calm and reasoned communication,’ writes Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals.

Chakra: Third Eye

Zodiac Sign: Gemini


I loved seeing the beautifully wrinkled Chinese grandmothers board the bus, while carrying grandbabies on their backs when I lived in San Francisco years ago. These strong women often wore jade bracelets. A symbol of longevity and abundance, earthy jade has a warm, deep and timeless appeal in matcha to emerald greens, yellows, white, browns and even purples.

Qualities: ‘Jade has long been a sacred stone in the Orient. It was used for weather magic. Jade is a symbol of purity, serenity, and nurturing and is a ‘dream stone.’ Placed on the soma chakra, it brings insightful dreams. Jade stabilizes the personality and integrates the mind and body. This stone encourages you to become who you really are, recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Third Eye, Soma

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra


An exceedingly feminine stone, Kunzite feels joyful and light with its crystalline sheen and soft pinkish hues.

Qualities: ‘An extremely high-vibration stone, Kunzite offers unconditional love to awaken the heart. Including a deep and centered meditative state, it is beneficial for the who find meditation challenging. With the power to dispel negativity, it provides a protective sheath around the aura that dispels attached entities and mental influences. Kunzite imparts the ability to be self contained even within a crowd. Removing obstacles to your path, it helps you adjust to the pressure of life. A useful healer for anyone who grew up too fast, Kunzite assists in recovering blocked memories and, placed on the heart, brings back lost trust and innocence. Kunzite heals heartache. Dissolving resistance, it effects compromises between personal needs and those of others.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart, Aligns heart chakra with throat and third eye

Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio


Qualities: ‘Excellent for attunment and meditation, and a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high-frequency energies, Kyanite never needs cleaning. Tuning into casual connections, this stone detaches from the idea of blind fate or implacable karma, showing how you created your present experience by past behavior. Facilitating the ascension process, it draws the light body into the physical realm and connects the hight mind to multidimensional frequencies. This crystal connects to guides, instills compassion, and facilitates spiritual maturation. Kyanite clears meridians, restores Qi to the physical body ad stabilizes the biomagnetic field. Kyanite encourages speaking one’s truth. High vibration crystalline Kyanite has a very light and fast vibration that links you to your life path and true vocation.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Opens throat, aligns all with aura

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Taurus, Libra


Qualities: ‘Prized for thousands of years, it was a favored stone in ancient Egypt, where it was believed to lead the soul into immortality and open the heart to love. A metaphysical stone par excellence, Lapis Lazuli is a key to spiritual attainment. Enhancing dreamwork and metaphysical abilities, it facilitates spiritual journeying and stimulates personal and spiritual power. Possesing enormous serenity, Lapis Lazuli is protective. Harmonizing body, emotions, mind and spirit, it brings deep inner self-knowledge and multidimensional cellular healing. A powerful thought amplifier, stimulates higher mental faculties and encourages creativity. Facilitating expressing your own opinions and harmonizing conflict, Lapis Lazuli aids in taking charge of life.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius


Dreamy Lemurian Blue Calcite is the most unique shade of blue and feels calming in nature.

Qualities: ‘A powerful healing and purification stone, Blue Calcite absorbs energy, filters it, and returns it to benefit the sender. This stone quiets mental chatter and brings about clarity. Excellent for initiating spiritual growth and for relaxation, Blue Calcite soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Releasing negative emotions, it assists clear communication thoughts and feelings, especially when there is dissent, and facilitates dating to necessary change,’ states Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals.

Chakra: Third Eye, Throat

Zodiac Sign: Cancer


Fresh green, like the forest floor, Malacite inspires thoughts of walks through trees and moss.

Qualities: ‘Life is lived more intensely under the influence of Malacite, a powerful energy conduit. It mercilessly shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, drawing out deep feelings, breaking unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaching how to take responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings. An important protective stone Malacite absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the environment and the body, clearing electromagnetic smog. Malacite has a strong affinity with devic forces and heals the earth.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart, Solar Plexus, Base, Sacral

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Capricorn


Gentle Morganite feels nurturing and sparks delight.

Qualities: ‘Morganite is a love attractor that encourages loving thoughts and actions and creates space to enjoy life. Bringing into awareness unfulfilled emotional and soul needs and unexpressed feelings, Morganite holds the emotional body stable during psychosomatic change. Disolving resistance to healing and transformation, this stone clears victim mentality and opens the heart to receive unconditional love.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart, Hight Heart

Zodiac Sign: Libra


The shimmering luster of Mother of Pearl, polished by the sea, calls for a walk on the beach in your favorite summer dress. Luminous and light catching, Mother of Pearl paired with beautiful pastel gemstones creates a treasure worthy of Venus de Milo.

Qualities: Often iridescent and creamy, Mother of Pearl is a symbol of the divine feminine. An attractor of abundance, silky Mother of Pearl is thought to inspire creativity and imagination. Mother of Pearl’s gentle and soothing energy relates to the calming aspects of water, patience and inner knowing.

Chakra: Heart, Root

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Gemini, Pises


A stone for serendipity, iridescent Moonstone restores harmony and symbolizes unconditional love. Watery white Moonstone remembers what our soul has forgotten, the ancient knowledge and the mystery that is within each of us.

Qualities: ‘This is the stone to use if you seek to embody the goddess. Like the moon, the stone is reflective and reminds you that everything is part of a cycle of change. This stone encourages lucid dreaming, especially at full moon, and has traditionally been used to enhance metaphysical abilities and to develop clairvoyance. A stone of new beginnings, Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Soma, Third Eye, Solar Plexus

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio


Creamy opal in soft pink shades and warm tones looks so delicious and almost edible. These gentle pastels pair well with neutrals, whites and light colors.

Qualities: ‘Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces metaphysical and mystical visions. Absorbent and reflective, it picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them, and returns them. A karmic stone, it teaches that what you put out comes back. This stone brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. A seductive stone, Opal has always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. Opal heals the earth’s energy field.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces


The density and steel-like look of pyrite has a certain appeal when a punkish, leather and motorcycle boot mood is happening!

Qualities: Pyrite, with its metallic luster is named after the greek word ‘pyr’ meaning ‘fire’. When struck against a hard surface, pyrite can create sparks needed to start a fire. Pyrite is known as ‘fools gold’ for its shine and has been mistaken for gold by miners because it often forms together with gold deposits. Despite its lesser status that gold, it is still a beautiful stone formation due to its sheen and steel-like hue.

Chakra: Root

Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Sagittarius


Energetic and brilliant, grass green peridot has an undeniably cheerful and optimistic presence.

‘Qualities: ‘Peridot is a protective stone for the aura and a powerful cleanser. Releasing and neutralizing toxins, it purifies the subtle and physical bodies, and the mind. Showing how to detach oneself from the outside influences and to look to your own higher energies for guidance, Peridot teaches that holding on to people, or theist, is counterproductive. This visionary crystal helps you understand your destiny and spiritual purpose. It is particularly helpful to healers.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart, Solar Plexus

Zodiac Sign: Virgo, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius


If purple could be creamy is would look like this. Phosphosiderite, inspite of its funny name, has the most delicious shades of purple and lavender-grey. It looks dreamy paired with neutrals or layered with moonstone, turquoise or amazonite.

Qualities: A rare mineral, Phosphosidertie name originates from the Greek word ‘phosphorus’, and ‘sideros’ meaning iron. This delightful Ube- colored stone is thought to calm the mind, enhance intuition, assist emotional healing, and promote sleep. *Ube is a yam like root from the Philapines with a delicious smokey purple color.

Chakra: Crown

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius, Pises


Qualities: ‘Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love and the crystal that heals the healer. When meditating with this crystal, you are put in touch with the universe’s energy grid. It is said to connect to the Archangel Raphael and to spiritual and extraterrestrial beings, enabling you always to be prepared, no matter what. The crystal seals the auric field in a protective shield and is useful for gridding the environment. It teaches how to be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces, revitalizing and renewing your surroundings. A good Feng Shui stone, Prehnite is helpful for ‘decluttering”, aiding those who hoard possessions or love because of an inner lack, and restoring belief in divine manifestation.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Third eye

Zodiac Sign: Libra


The ‘heart stone’s sacred wisdom protects the energetic heart. The soft pink of Rose Quartz provides a gentle place to land. Rose Quartz reminds me to be kind to myself, to be steady and trusting and to remember the bigger picture, because love is the frequency.

Qualities: ‘A stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is the most important crystal for heart chakra. This beautiful stone promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds. Romantic Rose Quartz attracts love. Rose Quartz is the finest emotional healer,’ writes Judy Hall in The Encyclopedia of Crystals. Rose Quartz assists in heart opening and helps to cultivate self acceptance and forgiveness.

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Libra


Quality: Ruby is one of the Vedic healing gems and a major protector for the family and possessions, being a powerful shield against psychic attack and vampirism of the heart energy. Ruby encourages passion for life, improving motivation and setting realistic goals. This stone wants you to ‘follow your bliss,’ promoting positive dreams and clear visualization. One of the stones of abundance, it aids in retaining wealth and passion.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Zodiac Sign: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius


Sapphire’s rich range of colors is so inspiring and irresistible!

Qualities: ‘Sapphire is named from the Sanskrit sanipriya, meaning ‘dear to the planet Saturn,’ and is an important Vedic healing gem. Know as the wisdom stone, Sapphire focuses and calms the mind, releasing unwanted thoughts and mental tension. This stone alleviates depression and spiritual confusion, attracting prosperity and gifts of all kinds.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals.

Chakra: Throat

Zodiac Sign: Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius


Qualities: ‘Sacred to the ancient Druids and Celts, Smokey Quartz symbolized the potent dark power of the Earth gods and goddesses. Smokey Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and cleansing stones. This protective stone has a strong link with the earth. It blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog, and assists elimination and detoxification at all levels, bringing in a positive vibration to fill the space. It teaches how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Smokey Quartz’s psychological strength restores your vigor and shines light on the gifts that hide in the shadows of your inner being.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Earth, Base

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn


Protective Spinel is found in the most striking and sparkling colors like blush, rose, champagne, orange, fuchsia and black. I can’t wait to create with them all! There is something about the \hues and energetic lightness of Spinel that feels very magical.

Qualities: ‘Derived from the Latin spina, meaning ‘thorn’, Spinel opens the chakras and facilitates movement of kundalini energy up the spine. This stone offers energy renewal, encouragement in difficult circumstances, and rejuvenation. Enhancing positive aspects of the personality, it facilitates achieving and accepting success and humility.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Base, Earth

Zodiac Sign: Taurus


Joyful tourmaline inspires creativity and total delight.

Qualities: ‘Purifying and transforming dense energy into higher vibration, Tourmaline grounds spiritual energy; balances chakras, meridians, and auric bodies; and forms a protective shield. Pink Tourmaline is an aphrodesiac stone that attracts love in both the material and spiritual world. Placed over the heart, it assures you that it is safe to love. This stone inspires trust in love while pointing out that it is necessary to love oneself before one can hope to be loved by others. It assists in sharing physical pleasure and activates receptivity to healing energies.’ Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals

Chakra: Heart, Earth, Protects all

Zodiac Sign: Libra


There is nothing like the hit of beautiful sky blue color that turquoise provides. Earthy turquoise feels connected to the elements and to ancient peoples. Turquoise is a beautiful jewelry staple that sparks joy!

Qualities: In Tibet turquoise is given as an expression of love. For the Pueblo, turquoise represents the sky and our cosmic origins. For many cultures, turquoise has been considered a powerful stone that attracts abundance and joy.

Chakra: Base, Earth

Zodiac Sign: Taurus